Every Monday night - It's BINGO TIME!
The members of St. George Knights of Columbus Council 3928 volunteer their time each Monday to run bingo. The games are held at East Creek Landing, located at 390 South Union Street, Guilford, CT, which is also home to St. George K of C Council 3928.
The doors open at 5:00 p.m. and games beginning at 7:00 p.m.
The program consists of twenty (20) games, with six (6) specials, including an “Early Bird $100 Bonanza”, two (2) "50/50" games, a "$100 Quickie", a “Winner-Take-All”, and a Progressive Jackpot that has a maximum payout of $2100.00.
The session usually ends at approximately 9:30 p.m.
As a member of the St. George K of C Council 3928, you can also become one of the callers, taking the helm of the bingo machine and having fun with the players.